Generation Four: Chapter 20

It had been awhile since I visited the family cemetery in Tartosa, so I stopped by to visit mom and dad’s grave.

I also added my older siblings and their spouses’ graves to the family crypt.

When I got home I found Darwin walking around with blue fur. I was able to treat him with a wellness treat.

Drake’s girlfriend Brooklynn aged into a young adult and she moved into an apartment in the city. Drake is trying to make things work, as he has the loyal trait. He has gone to visit her several times and even stayed the night to see if he could get used to city life.

Drake, Brooklynn, and Lukas (Lisa’s son) graduated from high school. I know my nephew Jacob recently aged into a young adult, so I was surprised he wasn’t at graduation. I know both of his parents passed away recently so I understand him not wanting to be around a ton of people.

Drake looked so confident walking across the stage after accepting his diploma.

Tip: I didn’t get a notification about graduation and it wasn’t listed in the calendar. I just decided to travel to the auditorium during the hours I knew graduation was supposed to be and sure enough the event was taking place and Drake was able to graduate.

After graduation Drake and I posed for a selfie together.

A few hours later Drake came home in a really angry mood and even slammed the refrigerator door.

I asked him what was wrong and was shocked by his response.

I guess, shortly after I left Drake spotted Lukas flirting with Brooklynn.

Drake confronted Brooklynn wanting to know what was going and if more than flirting had taken place. Brooklyn confessed that she had woohooed with Lukas. I guess he also moved to the city to pursue his athletic career. They had hung out a few times and one thing led to another.

Learning that he been cheated on made Drake both angry from unfaithful love and sad by the damaged trust. He asked Brooklynn why she cheated and she said that it felt like they were drifting apart since she moved to the city and that their love was dead.

Drake went outside to confront Lukas. These boys grew up together and were great friends back when we lived in Henford-on-Bagley.

They ended up getting into a fight.

I guess Brooklynn watched the whole thing with a shocked look on her face.

Drake actually won the fight which I admit surprised me as I think he only has 2 or maybe 3 fitness skills and Lukas has the bodybuilder aspiration.

After the fight Brooklynn confessed that she regretted nothing and given the chance would probably woohoo with Lukas again. Drake decided he was done with the relationship and broke up with Brooklynn.

I gave Drake a big hug and told him I would be here for him if he needed anything.

Author’s Note: Please ignore Catherine’s wardrobe changed. My game crashed and I had to replay the entire graduation and fight. I didn’t realize that she was wearing a different outfit until I was typing up the chapter.

Drake has been taking out his frustration by doing intense workouts.

We have also been going for a lot of energetic rides around the neighborhood and he has been doing some intense training with Destrier.

Drake is now at level 4 in horse riding and Destrier is level 4 in endurance.

Drake has started spending time with our ranch hand Cassidy. She isn’t getting much done but if she is helping to cheer Drake up then I don’t mind. He says he is not ready to move on yet and that they are just friends.

He did throw away all of his photos of Brooklynn. The only photo he kept from prom was the one he took with his half-sister Natasha.

A few months after breakup, Drake came to me with some shocking news.

“Last night I got a text from Brooklynn asking me to come over to her apartment as she really needed to talk to me. At first I said no way but she was very insistent.”

“I didn’t want to go over there because I am still feeling really bitter about the breakup and just being around Brooklynn makes me tense.”

“When I got to the apartment I found Lukas on the couch in tears. I thought maybe she had cheated on him too or perhaps they broke up as I had heard they had started dating.”

“Then Brooklynn dropped a major bombshell. She is pregnant.”

“She doesn’t know which one of us is the father as she was woohooing with Lukas and me at the same time. I like kids and would love to be a father some day but I really hope the baby isn’t mine. I guess Lukas feels the same as he has the hates kids trait and doesn’t want to be a father at all, hence the tears.”

While I was shocked by the news I told Drake I would be there for him always. I can’t believe there is a chance I might be a grandmother soon.

While we wait for the results of the paternity test here is an update on the rest of the family. Dove is doing great. She is a big help around the house. She makes sure Darwin’s bowls are full of food and water, she helps collect the eggs, and sets the table each night for dinner.

Now that Dove is a child we can all eat at the table together as a family.

Dove loves practicing Dramatics in her bedroom mirror and already earned a promotion in Drama Club. She is now a learner of lines.

She formed a club called “Child Stars” with some other kids from Drama Club. The red head, Emma, is my niece Ada’s daughter. Ada is my older brother Collin’s daughter and was named after our Grandmother.

Emma comes over frequently after school. The girls love playing pretend in the tree house. When the entire club gets together they put on puppet shows in the backyard.

Most of my days are spent with the animals.

And training Dash on agility and jumping.

Dash reached level 5 in the jumping skill and has level 7 endurance.

Dash and I have competed in three more equestrian competitions. We brought home a gold medal in both Expert Barrel and Endurance Racing. We also earned a silver in intermediate show jumping.

Dane has been seeing more of June. She came over to help him with his school project. These to spend hours talking.

They recently shared a first kiss and officially started dating. I wish they could go to prom together but it overlaps with the upcoming Chicken Fair and I have an egg to enter.

I have been feeding the chickens rainbow treats in the hopes of getting a rainbow egg.

I also realized that I have been so focused on training Dash that I had been slacking on my dog training with Darwin. I have been teaching him to sit and we have been running the agility course together.

It took Darwin 2 hours to complete the course and he had one fault. I think we can do a lot better so will have to keep practicing.

Well the results of the paternity test are back and Drake is the father. I guess Drake offered to marry Brooklynn because of the baby but she said NO WAY before storming out. I assume she will let Drake know when she goes into labor so that he can be there for the birth of his child. I hope they can figure out something in regards to custody after the baby is born. I know that Drake will be a great father.

Which reminds me, Drake’s father, Michael Bell recently passed away. Drake didn’t really know Michael but he is really close with his half-sister Natasha. She was raised by Michael after her mom died and so his death hit her really hard. They have a very supportive relationship.

Drake has been keeping his mind off things by focusing on the animals and helping around the ranch.

Drake has continued spending a lot of time with Cassidy. He told her all about what happened with Brooklynn and she was very supportive. Drake has admitted that he finds Cassidy very attractive and that being around her makes his heart race.

There chats started turning flirtatious and eventually lead to a first kiss.

It is time for the Chicken/Egg Fair in Henford-on-Bagley. My rainbow egg is excellent and not to brag way superior then the other entries. While at the fair, I chatted with the mayor and checked out my competition. The mayor seemed thrilled with my entry so I didn’t worry about trying to bribe him this time.

I am EGG-STATIC!! My egg won first place at the fair. The only first place ribbons I need now are for a small crop and of course a pie.

The morning after the fair Drake got a call from Brooklynn. She had given birth to a baby boy named Colter. I was surprised she gave the baby boy our last name instead of Robles.

But I learned why a few hours later when we found Colter on our doorstep. I guess Brooklynn decided she doesn’t want to be a mother as she is enjoying the city night life. She is giving Drake full custody of Colter.

Drake couldn’t wait to show off his son to Cassidy and me. He is such a proud father.

Everyone just adores little Colter and we are all pitching in to help Drake raise his little boy.

Dove is very focused on Drama Club. She has been practicing her lines non-stop in the mirror.

During a recent performance the director wanted all of the kids to sing a solo but Dove thought it would be more powerful if they sang it as a group. The students decided to ignore the director and perform the song together. The director wasn’t happy but everyone else seemed to love it.

Dove earned a promotion to Practical Performer.

It has been about 3 months since Colter was born and is now an infant. Thankfully he has the calm trait.

Drake adores his son and just loves being a father.

We have learned the Colter loves wake-up time but thankfully is a self-soother so he can entertain himself until the rest of the family wakes up.

Drake has officially introduced Colter to Cassidy. She is so great with him and he seems to like her.

Darwin also adores Colter and will sit and watch us doing Tummy Time. In fact, I think having Darwin there helped Colter learn how to lift his head because he wanted to look at the puppy.

Colter has also learned how to reach of the rings over his playmat.

Unfortunately he also had his first blow-out which required his first bubble bath.

While giving Colter his bath I reached parenting level 10.

When I am not spending time with my grandson I continue to enter racing competitions. I brought home gold in the master endurance race and the intermediate show jumping competition.

One afternoon over a BLT brunch Drake delivered some big news.

He had asked Cassidy to marry him and she said yes.

Drake had received an inheritance when Michael died and combined with Cassidy’s own money they put a deposit down on a neighboring ranch. While I am sad Drake and Colter will be leaving I am happy to hear they will be close.

Before leaving I insisted on taking a selfie together. I also got everyone together for a few family photos.

Drake asked if he could take Destrier with him and I said yes. The couple also adopted a few mini-goats and Cassidy brought her dog Dakota. They also invited Drake’s half-sister Natasha to move in with them. She adores little Colter.

With Drake, Colter, and Destrier out of the house I decided to invite Dylan and his horse Dixie to move in with us. Dylan will still be living in the loft above the barn but not as a rental unit. Dove is thrilled to have her dad living here full time. She loves to tell him all about Drama Club.

I have continued competing in equestrian competitions and recently brought home silver in the master barrel race and gold in the expert show jumping. Since I can only enter one race a day with Dash I have been sending him off for training during other parts of the day.

I realized I haven’t given an update on Dane for awhile. He was given the option to graduate early and said yes.

Now that he is home from school during the day he has been focusing on earning the last three scout badges he needs to become a Llamacorn scout. He has been painting for his arts & crafts badge and taking Darwin for jogs to work on his fitness badge. For his good deeds badge he has been helping his sister with her homework/school projects and making her laugh. They have a jokester family dynamic.

Dane finally earned his final badge and became a Llamacorn scout.

His birthday isn’t technically for another 4 days but June already aged up into a young adult plus he has accomplished everything he needed to do as a teenager so we celebrated his birthday early.

After aging up into a teenager he immediately proposed to June who happily said yes. I can’t believe I have two sons engaged.

I made sure to take a selfie with Dane to add to the wall of family photos.

One afternoon my cousin Lisa stopped by for a visit. She recently became an elder. We haven’t spoken in awhile as things were tense after her son Lukas woohooed with Drake’s now ex-girlfriend Brooklynn. It was great seeing her as we had always been close.

Lisa shared that our cousin Alex had passed away. Alex’s mom was my aunt Billie. Additionally, Alex had been married to Ciara Thomas who was Lisa’s husband Gordan’s sister. Ciara passed away in the previous update. Lisa reminded me that Gordon also had an older sister named Monique that passed away years ago. When she died Ciara and Alex had taken in her son Jordon. Jordan is now a young adult and still living in the Thomas family home in Windenburg.

Lisa’s daughter Zara loves Windenburg and wants to be a musician/DJ like our grandmother was back in her generation. I guess Lisa and Gordon talked and decided to move back to Windenburg.

Which means my former home in Henford-on-Bagley will be vacant. Dane and June decided it was the perfect home for them.

Dane has also taken over my former vet practice which is fitting since his father was also a veterinarian. When Darwin got sick rather than treat him with a wellness treat I asked Dylan to take him and report back on how Dane is doing. Dylan said Dane did an excellent job of diagnosing Darwin. Turns out he needed surgery and will have to wear a cone for a few days.

Dane and June are also thrilled to learn that they are expanding their family and will be having a baby in about 8 months. I am so happy for them.

Part of me wants to wrap up my time as heir here but there are still a few more things I need to do. Hopefully next time I can complete the Champion Rider aspiration and win my final few fair ribbons.

We have four wheel spins this time.

Wheel Spin 1

What is the future of Drake and Brooklynn’s relationship?

Options: Move in together (City), Move in together (Ranch), Break-Up

Winner: Break-Up

Wheel Spin 2

Why do Drake and Brooklynn break up?

Options: Not Compatible (City vs Country), Brooklynn cheats on Drake, Drake cheats on Brooklynn

Winner: Brooklynn Cheats on Drake

Wheel Spin 3

Who should Brooklynn cheat on Drake with?

Options: Random Townie, Drake’s cousin Jacob, Drake’s cousin Lukas, Drake’s brother Dane

Winner: Drake’s Cousin Lukas

Wheel Spin 4

What should happen to Brooklynn and Drake’s baby?

Options: Drake and Brooklynn get back together/married, Brooklynn is a single mom, Drake is a single dad

Winner: Drake is a single dad

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