Generation Four: Chapter 19

My elder birthday is right around the corner but with Dove still a toddler I decided to use a potion of youth.

Dylan moved into an apartment above the barn.

And brought along his horse Dixie.

Destrier and Dixie have really hit it off.

Having Dylan living on the lot has been great. We do a lot of flirting while we work on the ranch.

He also spends a lot of time with Dove.

I redecorated Dove’s room in shades of red and black to match better to the Trevor Verily trophy. In case you forgot I did a wheel spin earlier to determine which MySim trophy would be used for the next heir and Trevor Verily won.

As you can imagine the animals are keeping me really busy.

I have also been working with Destrier and Dash on our horse training skills.

Dash and I recently brought home gold medals in an Intermediate Endurance Racing and Beginner Show Jumping competitions.

Dove loves spending time with all the animals.

We discovered that she is a messy eater. She is always dropping food all of the floor.

This of course thrills Darwin. I swear he comes running anytime she has food to just watch her eat.

In addition to watching Dove eat, Darwin also loves to play in the chicken feed and other trash.

I have been lecturing him and fortunately he eventually learned to stop playing in the trash, however he still eats it when I am not looking.

The boys are busy with scouts and their own interests. Dane has already caught several types of fish for his collection.

Drake has been working on his horseback riding. He is not a very confident rider and usually looks terrified when he is on the horse but hopefully that will improve with time.

I hired a new ranch hand. Her name is Cassidy Barredo and she is great with the horses.

When the Garden Crop fair came to Henford-on-Bagley I headed back there to enter my cottage pie. I thought maybe something savory might sway the judges since I haven’t had luck in the past with my fruit pies.

My pie was excellent quality while all the other entries were normal.

Sims were lining up praising my cottage pie. Everyone thought it was a shoo-in for the win.

The mayor came by and looked at all the entries.

I am not proud of it but I am so desperate for the win that I might have bribed the judge. He told me he would keep that in mind when he tallied the scores at the end of the fair.

It was all for nothing though as the fair ended with no ribbon in sight . . . not even a participation ribbon.

The boys are now in high school. I heard from Dane that Drake spends most of his time in the hallway making out with Brooklyn by their lockers.

Dane also told me that while in the library before school he met his soulmate. Her name is June Fish and she loves the outdoors. He said she was even wearing a t-shirt with a bunch of fish on it. In case you forgot, Dane has the angling ace aspiration.

The boys had class with several familiar faces. The girl in the braids, next to Dane, is Drake’s half-sister Natasha. She is the daughter of Micheal Bell and Tina Chan. The guy in the red tracksuit next to Drake is Jacob Alimento. He is the son of my brother Carter and his wife Fern. The guy in the blue sweater and the girl in the pink overalls are Lukas and Zara Thomas. They are my cousin Lisa’s kids. Of course the girl in the front row wearing red is Drake’s girlfriend Brooklyn.

During class there was a guest speaker. Other students in the class were pulling out their phones but Drake decided to wait until after class.

Dane spent lunch talking to June.

She was in Dane’s afternoon class and sat next to him. During class she texted him her phone number.

Dane wasted no time texting her the minute he got home.

Before doing some fishing.

After finishing his homework Drake spent time with Destrier who gained the agility skill and reached level 5 in temperament.

The next morning poor Devon woke up sick. It’s a good thing I still have my vet equipment and could make some wellness treats.

Our days our pretty routine. Each morning the boys head off to school and I spent the day with the animals. I bottle feed the mini goat and mini sheep. I sheer the llama and mini sheep’s wool. I milk the cow and mini goat. I feed the chickens and collect all the eggs.

While I am with the animals, Dove works on her skill building. She has already maxed the communication skill and is at level 2 thinking and 3 imagination.

Once the boys get home from school Dash and I head to the equestrian center to enter a horse competition. Dash and I recently brought home gold in the Expert Western Pleasure competition.

One afternoon, June called and invited Dane on a date.

They went fishing and cloud gazing. Dane gave June a rose and they held hands.

June said she felt like she could talk to Dane for hours and that the date just kept getting better.

Drake is doing so well in school he was given the option to graduate early. He said okay as it is only a few days before his birthday anyway.

Now that he is home all day we have been going riding together.

Drake decided that he likes horse riding. Destrier also reached level 4 endurance.

I have been teaching Drake how important it is to brush the horses and clean their hooves after every run.

I just threw this photo in because it looked like Dash was peeing on the rooster.

One afternoon my cousin Ainsley asked if she should go on a date with Kris Kringle, as in Father Winter, I told her to go for it.

The boys are such big helps around the ranch. They help me with the animals.

And spend time with their sister. They read her bedtime stories, play with her, and give her baths.

Dove has the heavy sleeper and loves water quirks.

Dash and I only placed second in our recent expert barrel race.

So we have been working on agility.

I now have level 9 in the horse riding skill while Dash has level 6 agility.

Dove won’t be a toddler for much longer so I have been trying to spend time with her. We did some flashcards to work on her thinking.

One morning she had a nightmare and woke me up crying. I cheered her up by playing dolls with her until she got sleepy again.

Dove has now maxed her movement and imagination skills. She also maxed potty but I didn’t get a photo of that.

I just can’t seem to get anything other that silver in the expert barrel racing competition. Drake entered his very first competition and brought home silver in the beginner level western pleasure race.

Drake does such a great job taking care of Destrier.

My nephew Jacob aged into a young adult. We also sadly had two deaths as Florianna Lopez and Nicola Grimmgrail passed away. Florianna was married to my brother Collin who passed away in the previous update.

I had never met Nicola Grimmgrail before but it turns out she is June’s mother. Dane did a great job comforting June and making her feel better.

He gave her a rose and she responded, “My heart leaps when you are near. I love you more and more each and every day.” They are so cute together.

While Dane’s relationship is going great the same can’t be said for Drake and Brooklyn. They have been fighting a lot lately. As it turns out Brooklyn has the City Native aspiration and wants to live in the city while Drake has the Championship Rider aspiration and the Rancher trait. They want to move in together after graduation but can’t agree where to live.

I am devastated to share that my beloved cat Devon passed away. I got him when I was pregnant with Dane so he was around 16 years old.

Grim came to reap Devon and then proceeded to clean my kitchen.

I was so preoccupied by Grim that Drake aged up on his own. He added the loyal trait.

I had already planned a party for Drake, I just miss timed it. Rather than a normal birthday party I decided to host a neighborhood potluck. I made some fish.

And called everyone to come and eat.

Other guests brought dishes to share.

Drake spent the party talking to Cassidy. He decided he likes hard-working sims.

The guests all had a great time dancing.

Dove looked so cute in her little party dress dancing and playing with her dad.

Dove managed to max all of her toddler skills. She is ready to age up as well but it is Saturday at 7 pm so there is something else I need to do first.

I quickly went outside and fed Dama a rainbow treat. Then I sheared her wool.

And quickly raced to Henford-on-Bagley to enter the wool competition. I already have a 1st place ribbon for the llama fair but don’t have a ribbon for my wool. Everyone thought it was spectacular and a shoo-in for the win.

YAY!!! Finally good news from the fair as my Rainbow Wool won first place.

I was going to go home and age up Dove but we suddenly got a ton of death notifications. My brother Carter and his wife Fern passed away. Ciara Thomas also died. Her parents were mom’s best friends. Ciara’s brother Demarcus was married to my sister Charlotte while her other brother Gordon is married to my cousin Lisa. Several of my rabbit friends also died.

Given all of the death notifications, I decided to wait until the next day to age up Dove. I helped her blow out her candles.

She has the creative genius aspiration and the self-assured trait.

I will end this update with a photo of her renovated bedroom.

No wheel spin this time but there will be several in the next update.

Also, I ended up having to move Dylan and Dixie out of the rental unit above the barn and put the house back to a regular Residential lot. While it was set to Residential Rental I was getting TERRIBLE lag. It was so bad that the clock in the game would say it was 9 am but the fridge would still be giving me the option to cook dinner. If I switched to a different lot it would be 11 pm. As soon as I removed the residential rental lot type the lag improved. It was odd because I have used Residential Rental lots in other saves without any lag issues.

Generation Four: Chapter 20

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