Generation Three: Chapter 10

**8 months later**

It has been 8 months since I Colin and I got married and learned we were having a second child. I recently came home from work with a promotion to Bestselling Author.

I am only one promotion away from becoming a Creator of Worlds.

I am not sure if it is the pregnancy or recent promotion but I have been feeling super creative lately and writing up a storm. Charlotte loves to come into the office and watch me while I write.

I continue to find inspiration for my writing from messages that I find in bottles. One message contained a love poem that had me writing an entire book of romance inspired poetry.

Another contained a joke about pirates that had me laughing so hard I wrote an entire book for “Talk Like a Pirate Day” filled with Pirate themed jokes and funny stories.

Another message contained the words, “I often gaze up at the moon and wonder if there is more to life. I just want to change myself, for better or worse.” That inspired me to write a motivational book all about making important life changes/choices.

Then a message about a woman named Lady Matilda and her secret love inspired me to write another romance novel.

Not all of my books though are inspired by messages I find in bottles. One afternoon I was doing yoga and thinking how amazing it felt to stretch out my back. I was suddenly feeling energized.

I channeled that feeling into writing a workout book for expecting mothers.

I sent all of the books off to my publisher.

Which gained me more fame and notoriety.

And a lot more royalties.

While I am busy writing, Colin spends time with Charlotte. He does flashcards with her, gives her baths, and reads her stories. The two have a very special bond.

One morning, I woke up feeling really sore and stiff. I decided I needed a break from the computer.

I decided to take Charlotte over to Amelia’s house to meet Demarcus. It was so cute watching her shy little wave.

It wasn’t long before the pair were giving each other hugs.

While the kids played, Amelia and I caught up and of course had to feel each other’s baby bumps.

However, our visit was cut short when Amelia went into labor.

She called me later to let me know she had a baby girl named Ciara (pronounced Sea air a).

My sister Billie gave birth to a little boy named Alex and my high school friend/classmate Kim had a baby girl named Hana.

Back at home, I started working on my next novel.

Once again it is inspired by a message in a bottle. In the book a bottle washes up on shore, the person reads the message, and then later disappears. This happens again and again until our hero realizes the pattern and tires to solve why these people all went missing after reading the message.

A few days later I was coming downstairs to make breakfast when I felt my first contraction.

Colin heard my cries and came running in full panic mode.

No sooner did that contraction end and I felt my water break. It was baby time.

Just like last time, I opted for a home birth. Colin was by my side the entire time. He rubbed my back while I stretched on the stability ball, he sat beside me in the bed while I did my breathing exercises, he held my hand when the contractions felt unbearable, and told me what an amazing job I was doing.

Eventually I felt the need to push as Colin helped guide our baby into the world.

We welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the family. I decided to name him Collin (only with two Ls) after his dad as well as Mr. Collins from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

No wheel spin this chapter but there will be one or more in the next chapter.

Generation Three: Chapter 11

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